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Idaho Aviation Expo

Cheryl McCord

The Eastern Idaho 99s hosted a booth at the Idaho Aviation Expo in Idaho Falls May 20 and 21, 2022. Sandy, Kitty, and Mickey set up the booth, Cynthia, Karin, Cheryl and Cindy helped out with the Expo. More photos and details . . .

Among the speakers during the event was Crista Worthy, author of the recently published history and photo book, Idaho Aviation. A signed copy can be ordered here.

Andrew George, President of the Idaho Aviation Association, gave updates on projects, advocacy and introduced scholarship winners.

Keynote speaker was Richard McSpadden of the AOPA Safety Institute. He shared his research in the presentation, Why Good Pilots Make Bad Decisions.

Idaho Division of Aeronautics staff held sessions. Jennifer Schildgen spoke on Idaho Airport Planning. Tim Steffen briefed attendees on Idaho Search and Rescue procedures.

FAASTeam members from the Boise FSDO presented sessions on aircraft maintenance and safety procedures.

Angel Flight West gave an overview of their program and discussed how pilots can volunteer to transport patients and families for medical care.

Aircraft on display ranged from today’s French TBM turboprop, an RV-4, a Kitfox, to the Airborne Ultralight. Vintage planes included a beautiful red Beechcraft Staggerwing, a CallAir A-3, and the twin-engine Beech B-18 passenger plane.

The CallAir plane was from the Rexburg Legacy Flight Museum. The CallAir Snowcar was also on display. The aircraft and snowcar were developed in the 1940s through the 1960s by CallAir of Afton, Wyoming. The company later became Aviat Aircraft that currently manufactures the popular Aviat Husky. A collection of the company’s history is in online and at The CallAir Museum of the Star Valley Historical Society in Afton.

For the trip home on Sunday morning, snow fell on the driving route through the Craters of the Moon. Rain clouds hovered to the west of Idaho Falls, so the route to the south over Blackfoot was an option.

Visitors at the Idaho 99s booth asked about activities for the chapters in Idaho and were able to take a copy of our handout, Fun Flights from Idaho Falls – KIDA, that provided a map highlighting eight hops from Idaho Falls and options for transportation, food and interesting sites to see.

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