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Smith Prairie Camp and Work Party

Cheryl McCord

The Smith Prairie Airport campout and work party event was a joint effort by the Idaho 99s, Idaho Aviation Association and the Gooding Airport Flyers Association on May 19 and 20, 2023.

Smith Prairie Work Party - Thank you to the group of 34 people in 14 planes and several vehicles for the amazing job!

The Gooding Airport Flyers Association brought a crew of 10, the supplies and the skill to repair the entire perimeter of the airport fence (with about 35 breaks) and got the cows on the outside.

Many others from Idaho Aviation Association, Idaho 99s Women Pilots, and the flying community pitched in to level the ground squirrel holes, replace the tattered windsock, remove bushes and debris encroaching on the picnic area, level the fire pan, wash down and restock the outhouse, and dig out the tie-downs and paint them. About a dozen folks camped out on Friday night in perfect warm, dry, calm weather (there was some haze around from the Canada fires). S'mores over the hot coals were for dessert. Breakfast for all was a buffet line of breakfast burritos, and some had S'mores again after the work party.

Smith Prairie airport is now in great shape. The runway is excellent--smooth and long--perfect for backcountry trips and practice.

Scouting Trip, May 13, 2023

Campout, May 19 and 20, 2023

Work Party, May 20, 2023

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