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McCall Airport Open House

The Idaho 99s were invited to participate in the McCall Airport Open House on June 25, 2022. DeAnna organized and set up the booth. Kathy, Cheryl, Bev and Karin joined her at the booth to talk with the those who knew someone in the 99s, were women pilots or just wanted to know more about each of us. There were families with kids who were curious about airplanes. We escorted several families to the flight line to see a plane up close and sit in it.

We had the pleasure of meeting the family of Margaret Mortenson who taught ground school for WWII pilots at Ritchey Field which is now the Nampa Airport. She is now 105 and lives with her son in Boise. There is an interesting video of Margaret telling her story at the Warhawk Air Museum in 2015.

Lori MacNichol, owner of McCall Mountain/Canyon Flying, presented "Backcountry Tales" with tips for learning backcountry flying techniques and how to build the skill. She also shared some of her experiences training US Special Operations pilots and advanced pilots in Indonesia.

Rich Stowell gave a drone presentation, “Sky’s the Limit.” He helped the kids understand the basics of flight and had kids practicing airplane stick movements with the joysticks on the drone controls.

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